Under the Weather


 As some of you may have noticed (or not) Makeup Savvy has been on the quiet side for the past week. The reason for this is because I have some wonderful viral/sinus infection going on at the moment and I'm feeling not so great to say the least! 

Between sleeping and popping pills... the cold & flu kind, I've been feeling pretty sorry for myself - haha! I'm really not a good ill person. So I decided not to force myself to blog until I'm feeling fully better. However I dug out a notebook and spent some of the weekend writing down ideas for upcoming winter and Christmas blog posts (some times it's much nicer jotting down ideas than storing them in your head) so I can bring you lots of lovely posts very soon, especially the festive kind!

 Hopefully back to blogging by the end of the week - fingers crossed! 

Fee xo.

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