Saving Money for Christmas


With only 8 week until Christmas (that makes it sound scarily close) I thought I would set myself a little saving goal as I really cannot stick to any spending bans especially with my winter sun holiday coming up! 

So at the weekend I sat down and decided on a goal - £300. I then proseeded to write down all the ways I could make that amount within 2 months. 

My ideas included - Cashing in saved up change (last time I did it turned out to be £18!), selling old DVDs, Games, selling clothes I don't wear anymore, creating A4/A3 typography/illustrated prints to sell in December and taking on a few freelance writing/blogging jobs.

My favourite idea has to be creating some festive prints and selling them online. I had a look on Etsy for a few ideas and really think I could come up with a few different designs, then it's just a matter of printing one out each time someone purchases one and sending it off. However what will create the most money will be selling things I just don't use anymore and finding a freelance writing job.


After creating my list I decided to see how much I could make by selling a few unwanted DVD and games. So I downloaded the Music Magpie add and scanned all the DVDs I don't want anymore.. yes, that is the 30 Day Shred you see in the list - never again! For me this is a good option as I don't have to deal with fussy sellers for so many lower priced items, no selling fees or the possibility of unsold items. I also discovered Music Magpie also recycle clothes which I've never actually heard of online before. So my next job is to sort out my overflowing wardrobe and make some extra cash with that. 

 Then it's off to the supermarket with my piggy bank to cash in my loose change... is it sad that I love to pour in all my coins into the machine and watch the total go up and up?

I've realised that if you aren't pro-active with making extra money it just won't happen. So hopefully by having a little plan of action I will reach my goal by mid December. 

I'd love to hear if you save up for Christmas and if so, how you do it. 

Fee xo.

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