Another haul today!
This is quite a large haul for me but everything here was purchased over the last month or so. With a mix of sale items and products bought on the Boots 3 for 2 offer - I've got quite a few bargains to share with you here.
When it comes to beauty shopping I surprisingly don't do it that often but rather I build up a list of products I want, then finally go shopping. However for once I headed to Boots without a list and decided to just swatch away and have a good look at all the new products. I was surprised just how many new products have launched lately and could have easily spent a small fortune in there. However I restricted myself to the 3 for 2 offer and a few other products then did the rest of my shopping online, grabbing some great bargains.

My dream makeup bag...
Ahhhh finally a Ted Baker makeup bag to call my own! I have lusted after a Ted Baker Wash Bag for such a long time now but couldn't justify the price as I knew I wouldn't be using it day-to-day as I store my makeup in Muji acrylic drawers. But when I spotted this in the ASOS sale with an extra 10% off I had to get it. The 5th Avenue design may just be my favourite style of the Ted Baker wash bags so far (now out of stock sadly). The tone of it is perfect and I love the art deco design - very chic and original. I will be making good use of this next month when I go on holiday!

Yet more nail polish...
Another ASOS sale purchase here with Rimmel Salon Pro Nail Polishes by Kate in Hip Hop and Reggae Splash (£3.49 - ASOS here) - two shades perfect for summer. I surprisingly haven't tried any shades from this range even though I love the Rimmel Kate Lipsticks and the shade range of the polishes are just perfect.
I also ended up getting yet another top coat to add to my nail polish collection in Boots in the form of Maybelline's Colorshow Top Coat in Alley Attitude (£3.99 - Boots here). I'm not even sure what shade base nail polish I would pair this with but it just looked so pretty in the bottle that I couldn't leave it behind. Will be definitely featuring this in a nail post very soon when I find a perfect nail polish to wear it with.

Bargain gift set & High Street picks...
Ahhh how I got sucked in to buying this Philosophy set after I smelling the products in Debenhams, then seeing that it was reduced to £10 from £24! The Fruitcake Mix Gift Set contains Cranberry Medley Body Lotion, Vanilla Cake Mix Shower Gel & Bubble Bath and Candied Pecan Salt Body Scrub. I'm well aware Philosophy products are packed full of chemicals/fragrance but for once I just couldn't resist as every item in the set smells heavenly... though I will be using the shower gel as hand wash as it contains sulfates but it does smell just like cake mix making it too good to waste. As for the scrub I literally keep smelling it every time I'm in my bathroom as it smells like the yummiest cookies you can imagine. As for the Cranberry Medley body lotion again it just smells amazing, quite warm and very yummy smelling. So pleased with this set.
As part of the 3 for 2 offer in Boots I decided to pick up two other Maybelline products that weren't previously on my radar but I loved the look of after swatching them. First up I picked out quite a light nude lipstick with Sultry Sand from the new Coloursens Nude Lipstick range (£6.99 - Boots here) as I have so many lipsticks in my collection that I feel apply too dark against my pale skin tone so this will be a great nude base to lighten up any lipstick. I also picked up a new concealer with Maybelline's Cover Stick in Ivory (£3.99 - Boots here) as I was strangely attracted to the rounded tip and the lightest shade really matched my skintone, though I'm not too sure how great the coverage will be.

Amazing bath time treats...
I'm not even a bath lovers however when I came across these two amazing glittery Bath Blasters from Bomb Cosmetics (£2.99 each) I vowed I would have to become a bath lover! Really just how amazing are these... I'm surprised Bomb Cosmetics aren't more well known/stocked in the likes of Boots. I will admit I went for these two bath bombs due to their glitter toppings over their scent however they both smell lovely and come with equally lovely names - Bright Lights, Big City (top, silver glitter) and Passionfruit Dream (bottom, red glitter). I think I may have to write a post on these with photos documenting how they melt in the bath.

Zesty scents and 'that' makeup sponge...
As spring is so nearly here I have been seeking fresh uplifting scents which started when I came across a Lily Flame Candle in Rhubarb in Debenhams for £8.00 (£5.90 - Amazon here). I think I may have stood there for 5 minutes inhaling the sweet/creamy Rhubarb and custard scent. I haven't yet burnt this but I have my fingers firmly crossed in hope that the scent is just as strong when lit.
Another amazing zesty scent I discovered last month was the Soap & Glory Sugar Crush Body Scrub (£8.00 - Boots here), I'm already a huge fan of The Breakfast Scrub from S&G for it's amazing yummy scent but I think I may have just discovered a new favourite with Sugar Crush, especially for summer. The scent is just so zingy with a mix of fresh lime and almond. Also the sugar scrub constancy is just the right amount of exfoliation for the skin and doesn't leave a residue behind which pleases me no end!
Last but not least I decided to finally try out the much talked about Real Techniques Miracle Complexion Sponge (£4.24 - Amazon here) as my Cosmopolitan one is now looking a little worse for wear. I have yet to use this but eager to try it with the new Bourjois CC Cream which I actually forgot to include in this haul!
One last haul to come next week with lots of diet/health items.
If you'd like me to review any product featured in this post just let me know!
Fee xo.