100th Post - A small thank you & an international giveaway - Closed

So this is my 100th post and also this morning I reached 400 followers. Which feels like a real milestone. 

I started makeupsavvy.co.uk out of interest back in February and have to say it has been the best decision I have made this year. 
I have already learnt so so much from so many lovely people that also have a passion for beauty & makeup. It also has a real sense of community which I love. 
I also really treasure everyone that reads this blog and enjoys it & everyone that leaves me comments on the posts I write. It never fails to put a smile on my face. 
So anyways to really thank my reader new & old I have decided to give something back in the form of a giveaway. Doing a giveaway wasn't planned at all as I didn't expect to get 400 followers so quickly. 

 Onto the prizes - which include a new Goddess Experience hardback book by Gisele Scanlon (which is also one of my favourite books) and also two surprises!

As for the surprises (don't worry, they will be good and also beauty related) I will confirm what they are when I announce the winner on July 1st. 

The giveaway will close on the 30th June. 
Also make sure that you are a follower!

All items will be Brand New and Unused.

Here are the Rules;
  • You MUST be a follower on this blog - If you aren't your entry won't count I'm afraid
  • To enter you must leave a comment below including your e-mail address (so that I can contact you, if you win) and also just a comment of any kind.
  • 1 entry per person
  • For more chances of winning you can twitter about it, or blog about it (However you need to prove this by providing a link) If you do all 3, this will give you three entries.
  • The giveaway is being offered internationally.
  • No made up accounts.
  • I will draw the winner from Random.Org & the closing date is Wednesday 30th June - Midnight GMT.
  • I will announce the winner and contact them on Thursday 1st July.
If you want to read a past review that I did on The Goddess Experience book just click here.

Hopefully I have covered everything & Good Luck! xx


  1. Hiya, congrats on your 100th post :) I will also RT on twitter

  2. aww Fee! your blog's done soo well! I totally love reading it!

    Thanks for the amazing giveaway =)
    Enter me please shantel121@hotmail.co.uk

    Thanks again for such a great blog =)


  3. Hey!Congrats on your blog!I really love that you're giving away a book!
    I follow you!

    Oh,I posted about your giveaway on my sidebar!

  4. Aw congrats, enter me please :)

  5. Congrats on the 400 followers. :)
    I'm a follower with google friend connect with the name susies1955

  6. well done on getting this far :)
    please enter me!

  7. Well done! :D
    Enter me, please. dearjoy@live.co.uk

  8. congrats on your 100th post!! ^_^
    I'm one of your followers and here's my address: aru_89@me.com

    I've added your giveaway in my section "current giveaways" in the sidebar: http://glamourousmakeup.blogspot.com/

    and I've also tweeted about it here: http://twitter.com/aru89/statuses/15862693221

    good luck everyone! ^_^

  9. Congrats on your 100th post!

    Please enter me:


  10. Hi! I've been a follower for a while and I love your posts. Congrats on your 2 important milestones!

    My email is svlara(at)gmail(dot)com

  11. Congrats on reaching 400 followers!

    Please enter me!

    My e-mail is emmakarolina1@gmail.com

  12. Congrats on 400 followers, I heart this blog :)

    Please enter moi!



  13. congratulations on the all the followers!
    you really deserve them :)
    i was a old follower but i now follow on my new account !
    please enter me :)


  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. I'm a follower :]
    I have been for some time :]

    email: hunnylovins@home.se

    Ive added the giveaway to my sidebar

    Im a twitter follower @hunnylovins
    & I tweeted !!


    thankyou for the opportunity!! im excited for this

    good day to you !!

  16. fab giveaway, i've got my fingers crossed! Enter me please: bonjourbecky@yahoo.co.uk

    I RT too! http://twitter.com/bonjourbecky

  17. Hello!

    I'm a follower (=

    Please enter me!


    I blogged about your giveaway here: http://gabysbeautyblog.blogspot.com/2010/05/giveaways.html

    And I tweeted: http://twitter.com/GabyFauchon/status/15871131993

    Thank you!

  18. Enter me please :)

    Congrats xx

  19. Congrats on the 400 followers! :) enter me please, i've been a follower for some time now!



  20. Hello sweetie! Enter me please! Love your blog.

    I am going to Tweet this & mention u so u know I have sent it. (@Beautiful_News)

    I will also be putting a link up on the blog here:http://the-beautiful-news.blogspot.com/p/archives.html



  21. Congratulation on your 100th post and also reaching 400 followers. It's really well deserved. Your posts are great and I'm always pleased to see your name pop up on my Google Reader as I know it'll be another good read or an excellent tip off!
    Jane x


  22. Congratulations on your 100th post, what a milestone!

    My email is missy_ellie_uk@hotmail.com. Please enter me in the giveaway, the book looks great!

    Ellie :)

  23. Enter Me Please, congrats on 400 followers!
    My email address is: thisiscaz@live.co.uk

  24. Wow, 100 posts & 400 (+) readers - those really are milestones - congratulations :)

    I'd love to be entered into your giveaway please.

    My email is dlw1210(at)hotmail(dot)co(dot)uk

    Thanks a lot!


  25. Well done on the 100th post!
    So nice of you to have a giveaway. I would like to enter please. This is my email: n_shihub(at) hotmail.com
    :) x

  26. I just have a look into your review and felt in love with awsome illustrations of the book.

    Enter me please. My email is

  27. im ur followers i tweet here : http://twitter.com/ipehishere/status/15881014101


    thanks :)

  28. Congratulations on your 100th post :)
    Enter me please!


  29. Well done on reaching 400 followers.

    Enter me please, I've put a link on the sidebar of my blog and I've tweeted about the giveaway as well.



  30. This comment has been removed by the author.

  31. Congratulation honey on hitting 100 blog posts and 400+ followers. Fantastic!
    Please enter me for this giveaway :-)
    This book looks a fabulous read ♥
    I've tweeted about your giveaway
    I've also linked in my sidebar on my blog :-)

    Congratulations again!

  32. Congrats hun x

    tennesseehollow at gmail.com

  33. Congrats on a amazing blog :D
    Please enter me.
    I've posted it on my sidebar


    Thank you ^^

  34. I follow via GFC

    Very nice giveaway!


  35. Ooh great giveaway! I'm a follower! :)

    musicalhouses at hotmail dot com

  36. Fee you are far too nice and I Iove reading your blog and following you on Twitter and I think we should all being saying thanks to you for giving such wonderful insight and class to a heavily blogged about world :o) xx



    (although in the hope of any luck or wishful thinking I am on holiday until 3rd July...)

  37. This comment has been removed by the author.

  38. hi,I would love to participate in this giveaway,I'm your follower through Google Friend Connect..

    email me :)

    thankies for helding this giveaway

  39. Jade from Australia here :) adore your blog :)


    I'm listed as jadegrrrl on google friend follower thingy

  40. That book looks so nice! And congratulations honey bee. I love reading your blog. xo

    I posted about this in my blog's side bar: http://razzzthekid.blogspot.com/

    Thank you!

  41. The review is appetizing and I love suprises so put my name in the hat :)
    ghainskom at yahoo dot com

  42. Hi,
    congrats on your 100th post ^^
    And thanks a lot for this lovely giveaway!
    Have a great weekend.
    eli_green22 at yahoo dot com dot br

  43. I'd like to enter please ;-)

    muamontreal (at) gmail -dot- com

    Caro xxx
    PS : Congrats for your blog !

  44. I just read the rewiew, this book sounds like a must-have, so please enter me :)


  45. Enter me please!
    I'm a follower.

    I tweeted your giveaway here: http://twitter.com/carmencj88/statuses/15939728529


  46. congratulations on your 100th post also 400 followers! I`d like to enter :)


  47. Congratulations on the 100th post, it's such an achievement!
    Please enter me: emilygpaterson@aol.com


  48. Congrats on 100 posts and more than 400 followers! :) I'd love to read this book, especially since you recommend it!


  49. congrats on all the followers! please enter me :) my email is americamilani@hotmail.co.uk
    i also tweeted! http://twitter.com/americamilani/status/15972229366 xx

  50. Congratulations on 100 posts!

    I'm following your blog and tweeted your giveaway!


    ilovearevolution (at) live (dot) com

  51. Congrats in the followers, I love reading your blog.

    I've linked on my sidebar: http://craftykarla.blogspot.com/

    email is: moominkarla@yahoo.co.uk

    Thanks for entering my giveaway!

  52. Thanks for visiting my blog and following :D and for entering my contest!
    Also for telling me about this giveaway.
    Congrats about your followers :D

  53. I'd love to enter, I'm excited to see what the surprises will be! :) Congratulations on your milestone.

    Kate1485 at hotmail.com

  54. hi ,
    I am a follower shaimaa

    twitter about it

    and thanks or the chance

  55. Awwww. :) congratulations!

    I'm a follower and please enter me!


  56. Blogged: http://aimishu.blogspot.com/2010/06/makeup-savvy-giveaway.html


  57. Congratulations !!!

    I follow your blog via GFC by the username 'Ezzy'. Please enter me for your fab giveaway :)


  58. Hi! Congrats on your 430+ followers and thank you for this great blog!


  59. Hello!! New follower in Spain!!
    This is my adress:

    I hope I winn Hahaha <3

  60. congrats! how exciting :) my email is in my profile in case i win (hopefully!) :)

  61. hi..enter me please..^^


  62. I follow via GFC as luckyfinds, enter me please!

    added your giveaway on my sidebar, right hand side at:


  63. Congratulations on the over 450 followers, I'm the 451, so I'm a new one.

    I tweeted about your contest here: http://twitter.com/AminaBlack/status/16323506633

    And I've put your contest on the sidebar on my blog: http://aminablack.blogspot.com/

    And my email is: kaguya2000[at]gmail[dot]com
    PS: I just adore the cover!!!

  64. happy 100th! in need of a good read!

    okayteablog at gmail dot com

  65. Hi Fee! Congrats on having 100th post! Keep it up!

    I'm following your blog as 'Spider Girl'!

    Please Enter me to the giveaway contest as I'll love to participate! My email ID is

    I've also tweeted about your giveaway at Twitter, check out @techspidergirl

    Luv ya!

  66. thanks for the giveaway, I already follow you as Grace Wong!

    tweeted: http://twitter.com/gracewong1/status/16819467943

    Congrats on 100th post + 400 followers!


  67. Im a follower & would love to etner :)

    contact email: tsgiveaways(at)hotmail.com

  68. http://twitter.com/timesurge/status/16832712398

  69. enter me please :) such lovely prizes from such a lovely blog :)

    abbzzw@hotmail.co.uk x

  70. The cover of the book is gorgeous!
    matgral at yahoo dot com

  71. Enter me please :)


  72. enter me pleaseee :)

  73. I'm a follower!


    I've also linked your giveaway on my blog sidebar here: rainbowbriteness.blogspot.com

    <33 Rena

  74. Enter me please!!!! I'm a follower via google

    Ana Belén R.M

  75. hey, congratulations on having so many followers and writing your 100th post. i am currently doing my 50 followers giveaway so feel free to check it out.

    please enter me. my name is anastasia-evangaline and my email address is burymeinvelvet@hotmail.com

    i am now linking this giveaway so come view it on my blog :)

  76. Love your blog! This is a lovely giveaway too ;) louise@getlippie.com

  77. I've been trying to enter your giveaway for ages but can't open your blog on my laptop for some reason...
    My email is styleandthecityuk@gmail.com
    Thank you!

  78. great giveaway!

    please enter me am a follower :)



  79. I'm a current follower :)

    Congrats on your 100th post!


  80. Congrats congrats!! It's always so exciting when you hit a milestone :)


  81. I am a follower, so enter me.
    i tweeted about your giveaway here http://www.twitter.com/CellaMarcellina

    congratulations and i hope i can win! i love your book!

  82. Congratulations on reaching 400 followers! What a wonderful giveaway, so exciting!Great to hear of amother Lancashire blogger doing well! I follow you and look forward to your next post! Sharon (UK)xx

  83. tweet: http://twitter.com/henglish/status/17178003487


  84. Congrats on 400+ followers!

    Old follower of your blog.

    That book looks lovely! Even the cover is pretty!

    Thanks for the chance!

    reviewsbyabby at gmail dot com

  85. Congrats on your 100th :)


    have also RT on Twitter

  86. Hi, please enter me into your fab giveaway - the book looks great!

    I follow via twitter & have tweeted @bluekit15


  87. I can't believe how many times I've opened this up to enter and then got distracted.

    Congrats on 100 posts

  88. Hi

    Im a new follower :]

    Con-grat-u-lationzzz !

    Enter me please:


  89. I'm a follower enter me

  90. hmmm... I am new follower in Spain!! enter me:http://www.viviennewestwoodswear.com/

  91. Thanks for sharing the information keep updating, looking forward to more post.
    Nice post ! I love its your site after reading ! thanks for sharing. hanks for the giveaway, I already follow you as Grace Wong!
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  129. It is a delightful celebration that perfectly encapsulates the spirit of gratitude and community engagement. The post reflects the author's heartfelt appreciation for their readers and followers, creating a warm and inviting atmosphere. The giveaway, which adds an exciting element, showcases a thoughtful selection of prizes that resonate with the audience, further enhancing the sense of connection. The engaging writing style and personal anecdotes make the post enjoyable to read, while the interactive aspect encourages participation and fosters a sense of camaraderie among followers.
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  130. The "100th Post: Small Thank You" is a milestone celebration expressing gratitude to readers and supporters. It reflects on the journey of reaching 100 posts, appreciating the encouragement, feedback, and community built along the way. The post marks a moment of achievement and looks forward to continuing the shared experience with readers. It's a heartfelt note of thanks for everyone who has contributed to the blog's growth and success.
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  131. Makeup Savvy is a beauty blog dedicated to providing makeup tips, product reviews, and tutorials for beauty enthusiasts. It focuses on affordable and accessible beauty products, catering to a wide audience ranging from beginners to experienced makeup lovers. The blog aims to inspire readers to experiment with makeup and enhance their beauty routines through creative ideas and practical advice.
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  134. In the 100th Post: Small Thank You, the author expresses gratitude to readers for their support and engagement throughout the journey. This milestone celebration reflects on the growth and learning experienced while sharing content. The post encourages continued connection, invites feedback, and sets the stage for future exciting developments and topics.Dui Lawyer Bland VA

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  136. A heartfelt celebration of a significant milestone is the 100th Post: A Small Thank You & an International Giveaway! The readers and community that have supported the voyage are graciously acknowledged in this post. The global giveaway adds a fun element while expressing gratitude in a considerate and inclusive way. The warmth and thankfulness do come through, and it's a beautiful way to engage with people. chesterfield county sex crimes lawyer

  137. A Small Thank You & An International Giveaway - Closed" article serves as a heartfelt celebration of a significant milestone in the blog's journey, reflecting on the growth and support received from its community. The author expresses genuine gratitude for the readers’ engagement and loyalty, making it clear that this achievement is a shared one. The giveaway adds an exciting element, offering readers a chance to win unique prizes while reinforcing the sense of community that the blog fosters.
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  138. Celebrating our 100th post, we want to extend a heartfelt thank you to our amazing readers and supporters! Your engagement and encouragement have made this journey possible. We’re excited to continue sharing insights, stories, and updates. Here’s to many more milestones together—thank you for being a part of our community!
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  140. Celebrating the 100th post with a heartfelt thank you and an international giveaway is a fantastic way to recognize and reward a loyal community! This milestone reflects dedication, creativity, and engagement with followers who have supported the journey. The giveaway not only shows appreciation but also adds an exciting opportunity for fans worldwide to participate and feel valued. Sharing the gratitude in this way creates a deeper connection with the audience and makes them feel like an essential part of the community’s growth.
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  159. A unique worldwide prize and a sincere thank you to all supporters are included to commemorate the milestone of the 100th post. The gesture expresses gratitude and appreciation for the community's continued support, even though the giveaway is now ended. arlington drunk driver accident lawyer In order to obtain just recompense for injuries and damages, an Arlington drunk driving accident attorney focuses on defending victims of collisions brought on by intoxicated drivers. They fight for justice and make sure the guilty party is held accountable since they have a thorough understanding of local laws.

  160. indecent contact with a child In honor of my 100th post, I wanted to take a moment to sincerely thank everyone who has helped, followed, and interacted with my work. Without your support and excitement, I would not have been able to accomplish this milestone. I've now ended the modest worldwide giveaway I held to express my gratitude.

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  162. Congratulations on reaching your 100th post! Your dedication and insightful content are truly inspiring. I’m so grateful for the valuable information and personal stories you share. Looking forward to many more posts and happy to see the community growing! Here's to the next 100 property division attorney fairfax va Choosing the right property division attorney in Fairfax, VA is crucial for a fair and efficient settlement. Experienced attorneys can guide you through complex asset division, ensuring your rights are protected. With the right legal support, you can achieve a favorable outcome that supports your future financial security.

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  165. Congratulations on your 100th post! It’s inspiring to see your dedication and growth. Your giveaway was such a generous way to celebrate this milestone. Thank you for sharing your journey with us—here’s to many more posts and exciting moments ahead! Wishing you continued success and happiness spousal support attorneys fairfax Navigating spousal support in Fairfax can be complex, but experienced attorneys make all the difference. They offer crucial guidance through the legal process, ensuring fair outcomes based on income, lifestyle, and marriage duration. With their support, you can secure the financial stability you need during and after divorce.

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