Clinique De-Puffs

If you are familiar with Clinique then I am sure you have seen this little pot before. This small pot of All About Eyes eye cream currently resides in my fridge - in the little compartment that is meant for cheese & butter to be precise! 

I reach for it when it's 'one of those morning' ...I am sure you know the kind. The mornings where you can hardly open your eyes from the lack of sleep or amount of alcohol consumed the previous night. The one where your own reflection scares you. 

Tapping this cool gel under my (crusty) eyes is like heaven, I kid you not. 
It makes me almost human enough to apply my mascara without getting it on my nose.
However in general I don't really 'believe' in eye creams. I just use an oil-free moisturizer to keep the skin around my eyes hydrated as to be honest at twenty-two, wrinkles aren't a concern, just yet! So this is why I don't use the All About Eyes all the time. It does make the skin under my eyes really smooth though!

Anyways so when I saw this new £2 cheaper version that is out on the 1st June my eyes lit up. 
It's the new 
All About Eyes Serum De-Puffing Eye Massage - £20 

Which as you can see is in a handy roller-ball pen format, much more hygienic than dipping your index finger into the little glass pot. 
However the main thing that I am excited about is that the roller-ball is made out of stainless steel - this really takes the whole cooling effect to another level for me!!
Which will help drain all that nasty puffy fluid away and make me look even more human.

The other important aspect of this is that it can be applied in the morning pre makeup and also throughout the day over makeup! 
For them annoying times where your contact lenses have created fluid under your eyes or when the pollen is making you want to claw your eyes out! Or for people like me who spend way too much time infront of a screen, typing. 

So mid afternoon I was whip this out and de-puff my eyes. Yes, I am actually quite excited about it. As it's just one of those products that I know will work..and no I wasn't paid to say any of this! 



  1. ahaha it's my turn now!
    I often use the Garnier Roll-on with caffeine and the principle is exactly the same ( this time it seems like clinique tried to imitate Garnier???).
    I really HATE all about eyes cream, because in my opinion it's 0 effective and mainly composed by silicones, but I know that alot of people think that's very depuffing ;)

  2. Fantastic! I've been meaning to try all about eyes for such a long time but a roll on would be so much easier for me. I'm terrible for forgetting to put eye cream on and with my advancing years it's an area I really ought not neglect. As you say, this would be so much easier to tote around and remember to use :)

    Jane x

  3. nice review! it really helps! I hope you can follow my blog as well. Im a follower of yours now! thanks


  4. Interesting what you say about mid afternoon depuffing? What about undereye concealer -- won't it be washed away after rolling?

    Either way thanks for the tip. I have an eye roller by Olay that I am stashing in my purse right at this second.

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