In three months time Makeup Savvy, my little blog I thought I'd write for a year, will be turning 6! It's something I can't quite believe, not only has the time flown but I'm pretty happy with my little section of the internet that I've managed to still keep fairly relaxed and not full on profess even though it's taken me to a full on career!
In these 6 years I've learnt so so much about blogging that I feel I could write an e-book on it (don't worry I won't.. it would be way too boring!). So today while I'm pondering how these 6 years have flown I thought I'd sit down at my laptop for my 1,749th post and share with you some valuable things I've learnt in that time.

Writing valuable posts are the best kind of posts
Writing a makeup blog is never going to be life changing stuff 99% of the time and I like that. In a world were a lot of awful things happen, my blog besides many others, offers a light read whether I'm sharing my favourite nude lipsticks (side note - updated post to come soon) or I'm talking what I found on eBay for the 90th time. But sometimes it's good to be valuable and write about something that will help people. For me that has been blog posts I wrote on going SLS-free, which are some of the most read posts read by people seeking out better options for their skin or trying to resolve health problems. Also my personal post on my experience with anxiety was well received and I still get emails to this day from readers that feel like they can relate or want some advise! These are the kinds of posts I'm talking about that stand out in my mind not because of page views or how well they sit in Google but because they offer value and go beyond being a quick read on a lunch break. I hope 2017 and my 6th year of blogging can provide more content that I'm proud of!
Your blog can grow and change with you
Having your blog for a long period of time, in my case 6 years, means that your style, interests and likes will most likely change and the amazing thing about having a blog is that it's truly your own little space of the internet to do as you wish with. Over the last year I've created less nail posts (because I lost the bug for nail art) but more blog tip posts and you've all been fine with it! Same with blog designs, they are all becoming much more sophisticated and while my blog is still looking a little old school I know that when I decided to take the plunge and up my blog design game it's something people will understand and embrace. If you've stoppped blogging because your tastes have changed or you want to take it in a new direction bite the bullet and do it!
Writing a makeup blog is never going to be life changing stuff 99% of the time and I like that. In a world were a lot of awful things happen, my blog besides many others, offers a light read whether I'm sharing my favourite nude lipsticks (side note - updated post to come soon) or I'm talking what I found on eBay for the 90th time. But sometimes it's good to be valuable and write about something that will help people. For me that has been blog posts I wrote on going SLS-free, which are some of the most read posts read by people seeking out better options for their skin or trying to resolve health problems. Also my personal post on my experience with anxiety was well received and I still get emails to this day from readers that feel like they can relate or want some advise! These are the kinds of posts I'm talking about that stand out in my mind not because of page views or how well they sit in Google but because they offer value and go beyond being a quick read on a lunch break. I hope 2017 and my 6th year of blogging can provide more content that I'm proud of!
Your blog can grow and change with you
Having your blog for a long period of time, in my case 6 years, means that your style, interests and likes will most likely change and the amazing thing about having a blog is that it's truly your own little space of the internet to do as you wish with. Over the last year I've created less nail posts (because I lost the bug for nail art) but more blog tip posts and you've all been fine with it! Same with blog designs, they are all becoming much more sophisticated and while my blog is still looking a little old school I know that when I decided to take the plunge and up my blog design game it's something people will understand and embrace. If you've stoppped blogging because your tastes have changed or you want to take it in a new direction bite the bullet and do it!
Google Guidelines are a bitch
Over the years I've tried to get my head round SEO (I still haven't) and when I think I'm just about getting it, Google go and update their algorithm. This is generally to improve the effciency of user experience and doesn't help blogger or website owners one little bit. The most major set back for a lot of bloggers that isn't often talked about is the banning of follow links in paid for posts. I get the reason for the change in rules but this has totally changed that revenue stream for a lot of bloggers I know, including myself and there just isn't a work again. Well there is, only accept no-follow links, but the problem is it's often not worth it for brands and they either go to the largest blogs now or look for their content/promotion to be shared by bloggers for free or a very small amount. Google guidelines will forever change and I will always with be nervous when they do!
Over the years I've tried to get my head round SEO (I still haven't) and when I think I'm just about getting it, Google go and update their algorithm. This is generally to improve the effciency of user experience and doesn't help blogger or website owners one little bit. The most major set back for a lot of bloggers that isn't often talked about is the banning of follow links in paid for posts. I get the reason for the change in rules but this has totally changed that revenue stream for a lot of bloggers I know, including myself and there just isn't a work again. Well there is, only accept no-follow links, but the problem is it's often not worth it for brands and they either go to the largest blogs now or look for their content/promotion to be shared by bloggers for free or a very small amount. Google guidelines will forever change and I will always with be nervous when they do!
Blogging can change your life!
Lastly I just wanted to say how amazing blogging can be! It really has changed my life in that I'm now self employed due to how my blog has grown over the years and that is so freeing especially for a person that isn't in the least bit conventional and couldn't hack a 9-5! It's also made me embrace my creative side from setting up photography shots in new ways to brainstorming blog post ideas; I'll never get bored or tired of those things! Blogging has also been a wonderful consistent thing in my life that grows with me and something I can be proud of. Blogging really has changed my life for the better! If you are considering starting a blog or have blogged then stopped for whatever reason then I urge you just to do it. There is space for everyone on the internet and the personal reward from blogging can be amazing over time, from new friendships to unleashing your creative side and even career prospects.
If you've enjoyed reading my blog in the last 6 years then really from the bottom of my heart - Thank You! It really does mean a lot.
Fee xo.
Lastly I just wanted to say how amazing blogging can be! It really has changed my life in that I'm now self employed due to how my blog has grown over the years and that is so freeing especially for a person that isn't in the least bit conventional and couldn't hack a 9-5! It's also made me embrace my creative side from setting up photography shots in new ways to brainstorming blog post ideas; I'll never get bored or tired of those things! Blogging has also been a wonderful consistent thing in my life that grows with me and something I can be proud of. Blogging really has changed my life for the better! If you are considering starting a blog or have blogged then stopped for whatever reason then I urge you just to do it. There is space for everyone on the internet and the personal reward from blogging can be amazing over time, from new friendships to unleashing your creative side and even career prospects.

If you've enjoyed reading my blog in the last 6 years then really from the bottom of my heart - Thank You! It really does mean a lot.
Fee xo.