I'm finally back to blogging!! And to ease myself back in I thought I'd hit you with a savvy post today because I'm still dwelling on my New Year's Resolutions and waiting on a few orders to arrive for a New Year's Haul.
I love sharing savvy tips and beauty hacks when I can, so I had a good think and have 5 new ones for you!
Hard to remove glitter nail polish?
Soaking your nails in acetone soaked cotton pads is nothing new, but it also comes to wrapping tin foil around them to keep them in place it all gets a bit ridiculous and is impractical to say the least. My little hack is to ditch the tinfoil and simply double wrap a stretchy hair elastic/rubber around each finger tip to keep the cotton pads in place. Then simply leave for 10-15 minutes and voila, the glitter nail polish will slide off your nails.
Apply dry shampoo before you go to bed
So this is a simple one. Instead of applying dry shampoo to your hair in the morning, apply it just before you go to bed and don't brush it through. This will soak up the excess grease in your hair at night and by the next morning when you've brushed your hair through you will be good to go! This works every time for me and eliminates the white haze you can get if you have dark hair.
Bought a body scrub that's just too harsh for your skin?
Use it on your armpits to remove deodorant in the shower or as a foot scrub! I hate to waste products and if I can re-use them for something worth it then I will. I've often found body scrubs hit and miss because you simply cannot feel how course the scrub is before purchasing. But if you do ever pick up a scrub that feels like it's clawing at your skin (a common theme with sea salt and sugar scrubs) then simply use it on the heels of your feet or even on your armpits!
Give extra hold to your hair grips by spraying them with hairspray
Another hair hack here and one I came across recently that makes so much sense and just works wonders. Before sliding any hair grips into the hair lightly spray the zig-zag side of the grip with hairspray and leave for a second to become slightly tacky. Then slide in the hair grip where ever it's needed, face down so that the zig-zag part is nearest the scalp. This will keep the hair grip from slipping all day long especially in freshly washed hair.
Wash makeup brushes in the shower!
Okay, this does sound a little crazy and it's kind of not a hack but we all know how much of a chore cleaning makeup brushes can be. My solution is to pop them all in the shower tray as you take a shower, letting the warm water wash through them as a bit of a pre-cleanse and then whilst you are waiting for your conditioner to soak in you can get to work washing each brush under the shower spray. This saves time and I've found makes me wash my brushes much more regularly.
I hope you've found a few of these practical beauty hacks helpful!
Fee xo.