After such a good response to my last Beauty Gimmicks blog post I've decided to make it in to a monthly series! However I decided to change the title slightly as labelling all the products I review in this post as 'gimmicks' is a little harsh as although some products may seem novel they may be in fact really great and handy to use.
So here are five more unusual beauty items that I've been putting to the test over the last month!

Bliss Fabulous Skin-Reviving Rubberizing Mask
£35 for 6 masks - Bath & Unwind here or you may find single masks at TK Maxx
This was a mask that I picked up in TK Maxx as it looked intriguing, plus I've always liked Bliss as a brand. When opening the packet and it's contents it was more like a science experient than a spa-like treatment as I had to add water to the powdery mixture until it was the right consistency. This was when I unfortunately smelt the foal aroma of the rubber mask - think a slight fish scent with burnt rubber... not pleasant in the slightest. However I applied the thick gloopy mask to my face and soon enough it had strangely rubberized! After 15 minutes it was time to the remove the mask but annoyingly I was only able to peel it off in small pieces and not as a whole mask as I'd imagine - too faffy and chalky residue was left on my face where I hadn't applied the mask thickly. My skin did feel smoother, much like with a lot of face masks, but no amazing results especially for all the effort and zero spa-like feel.
This was a mask that I picked up in TK Maxx as it looked intriguing, plus I've always liked Bliss as a brand. When opening the packet and it's contents it was more like a science experient than a spa-like treatment as I had to add water to the powdery mixture until it was the right consistency. This was when I unfortunately smelt the foal aroma of the rubber mask - think a slight fish scent with burnt rubber... not pleasant in the slightest. However I applied the thick gloopy mask to my face and soon enough it had strangely rubberized! After 15 minutes it was time to the remove the mask but annoyingly I was only able to peel it off in small pieces and not as a whole mask as I'd imagine - too faffy and chalky residue was left on my face where I hadn't applied the mask thickly. My skin did feel smoother, much like with a lot of face masks, but no amazing results especially for all the effort and zero spa-like feel.
Is it a gimmick? Sadly so! This wouldn't be a mask you'd want to use more than once as it's such a hassle to do and doesn't give any worthwhile results.

Starskin Instaglam Foaming Peeling Perfection Puff
£6.99 - ASOS here
Whilst browsing ASOS last month I came across a new beauty brand to the website; Starskin. With a range of sheet masks and this interesting looking puff I was definitely intrigued. So I decided to snap up the affordable Perfection Puff to trial out for this post. The idea behind this product is that you have a foil pouch that your tear open and sprinkle in a small amount of water. You then squish the puff inside the pouch until a thick lather/foam is created, then it's ready to buff over the entire face. I found easy and novel to do and buffing my face with the foaming puff felt pretty nice. After around 2 minutes I simply rinsed my face and was surprised to see how much brighter my skin looked and oh, how soft the puff had made it! There really was a noticeable difference! Since then I've used the puff two more times - the maximum it suggest using it before throwing it away. Maybe slightly pricey for only 3 uses but this was such a treat for my skin!
Is it a gimmick? As it can only be used 3 times I'm tempted to say it is a bit... however I know I will purchase this again if I have something coming up were I want my skin to look the best it can. I'm also tempted to purchase another puff to take on an upcoming holiday with me as a little pamper treat for my skin.
Whilst browsing ASOS last month I came across a new beauty brand to the website; Starskin. With a range of sheet masks and this interesting looking puff I was definitely intrigued. So I decided to snap up the affordable Perfection Puff to trial out for this post. The idea behind this product is that you have a foil pouch that your tear open and sprinkle in a small amount of water. You then squish the puff inside the pouch until a thick lather/foam is created, then it's ready to buff over the entire face. I found easy and novel to do and buffing my face with the foaming puff felt pretty nice. After around 2 minutes I simply rinsed my face and was surprised to see how much brighter my skin looked and oh, how soft the puff had made it! There really was a noticeable difference! Since then I've used the puff two more times - the maximum it suggest using it before throwing it away. Maybe slightly pricey for only 3 uses but this was such a treat for my skin!
Is it a gimmick? As it can only be used 3 times I'm tempted to say it is a bit... however I know I will purchase this again if I have something coming up were I want my skin to look the best it can. I'm also tempted to purchase another puff to take on an upcoming holiday with me as a little pamper treat for my skin.
JML Ped Egg Power
£14.99 - JML here or Wilko here (until 14th August, then back in November)
When it comes to feet they are easily neglected. I try my best with foot creams but with a combination of wearing flats most of the time and having a condition that effects the circulation in my feet, I do need more than just a topical product. Which is why I was interested in trying out the new JML Peg Egg Power, a lighter and more portable option for keeping dry skin at bay from the heels and soles of the feet. Now I will admit this pretty much is a sander for your feet with the coarse fast moving attachment... but it works! This literally sands off dead skin with ease to reveal much softer skin to the heels of the feet. Then there's another attachment to smooth the skin even further that's a nice added extra, though not needed. This is a gadget I will definitely keep on using as it makes so much difference in the look and feel of my heels.
Is this a gimmick? No! I'm pretty sure most people develop dry skin to their heels and this remedies it with ease!
When it comes to feet they are easily neglected. I try my best with foot creams but with a combination of wearing flats most of the time and having a condition that effects the circulation in my feet, I do need more than just a topical product. Which is why I was interested in trying out the new JML Peg Egg Power, a lighter and more portable option for keeping dry skin at bay from the heels and soles of the feet. Now I will admit this pretty much is a sander for your feet with the coarse fast moving attachment... but it works! This literally sands off dead skin with ease to reveal much softer skin to the heels of the feet. Then there's another attachment to smooth the skin even further that's a nice added extra, though not needed. This is a gadget I will definitely keep on using as it makes so much difference in the look and feel of my heels.
Is this a gimmick? No! I'm pretty sure most people develop dry skin to their heels and this remedies it with ease!

The Body Shop Facial Massager
£6.00 - TBS website here or in-store
After watching a video of Caroline Hirons on facial massaging many moons ago I decided to pick up this little tool. Since then I have shamefully used it a handful of times! However for the purpose of this post I decided to use it for a full week before bed. I used over dry skin whilst sat in bed (I found it boring) and over mid cleansed skin whilst using a facial cleansing oil which felt quite relaxing and nice. The idea behind this little tool is to help drain the skin in congested areas and to give a good deep tissue massage to help with anti ageing. Which is why I decided to concentrate on my jaw/chin area where I tend to develop blemishes. Although this felt nice I didn't see any difference in my skin and feel it would be something you would have to use daily for a prolonged period to see any kind of results. I also wonder if using your fingertips would do the same thing... I'm thinking so.
Is it a gimmick? I'm sure this little beauty tool will be for some people but I personally couldn't keep up with using it daily. A bit of a zzzzzz item for me.
Stylfile Emergency Nail File
£4.49 - Amazon here or Tesco in-store
After so many occasions of breaking a nail whilst out and about I decided to pick up this handy little keyring nail file. With the clever little swirl holder the nail file can be attached to your keys without damaging items in your bag or getting lost - such a ingenious design. Since having this in my bang I have used it on the go several times and I'm so glad I decided to get it, even though I've always felt the original Stylfile with it's 'S' curve wasn't necessary for a nail file. There is also a white and pink section to the reverse of the file for both buffing and shining the nails whilst on the go... this I feel is slightly unneeded but it makes sense that the other side of the file was used for something other than another grade of nail file.
Is it a gimmick? Not in the slightest. If you have long nails then this will be a godsend to your handbag!
I hope you've enjoyed this months beauty gadgets and gimmicks!
If you have any products suggestions for next months reviews then please let me know in the comments.
Fee xo.