With over 200 blog posts wrote last year it's easy for even myself to forget what the hell I wrote about, let alone you! So to start off the week I thought I'd do a little summery/re-cap of the last year of blogging - from the good and bad of blogging, to my own favourite posts I wrote and a few extras.
A few Accomplishments in 2014:
On of my main accomplishments was definitely branching out to do brand focused work for various beauty brands and also continuing to do a few freelance blogger things, such as guest blogging for the Avon blog. Makeup Savvy also made print (again!) in Weight Watchers Magazine - April 2014. And finally something that was a huge deal to me, I reached 50,000 Followers on Bloglovin' in December 2014 - just amazing, thank you so so much if you follow me on there! Compared to others these won't seem that big, but as I didn't set myself any goals last year as far as blogging was concerned, I feel I did pretty well!
Sucky things of 2014:
Nothing major happened for me when it came to blogging in 2014 so this section will be short but I have my fingers tightly crossed that 2015 will be an amazing blogging year for everyone!
Lack of trust in the blogging community - I'm sure this one was felt by most in 2014 and it really did sadden me. Maybe I should care more about this topic but if I come across a blogger that's been sent things for free and hasn't disclosed it I shrug and carry on... it's no big deal to me. If a blogger has wrote a sponsored post and not disclosed it, I think more fool them and know they will soon come unstuck or see their readers don't want that. I just think last year it was all taken very seriously and hope this year clearer guidelines will be set so there's no grey areas and basically we can all be happy and finally shut up about it!
Blogger burn-out happened - I think all bloggers will experience this at some point for all different reasons. For me it's when things are rubbish in my personal life the last thing I can be bothered to do is to write about makeup - it just seems so trivial and materialistic. But blogging and working on the internet (that sounds slightly wrong) is my job, so funds did suffer at points last year. Again I'm crossing my fingers for a much better year this year and also planning to be more organised so hopefully I will have some reserve blog posts in case of any rubbish times!

Most Read on Makeup Savvy in 2014
Top 5 eBay Purchases (read here) - All my eBay posts seem to be popular (I guess you all love a bargain just as much as me!) but this post showing my favourite beauty buys from eBay was so popular!
Top Blogging Income Streams (read here) - Another type of post that is always popular are blogging related ones, I think they are for a lot of bloggers as it's a topic we are all still learning about. But of course not many talk about actually income and what avenues you can go down. Even if you just blog as a hobby you may find this post helpful!
So I Shaved My Face?! (read here) - ... And yes, I still shave my face! I think this was more the title that attracted people to click on it and read it. But also it's an interesting topic!
Beauty Storage Hacks (read here) - I love, love, love thinking up creative posts like this and they actually take a lot of work to photography so when this got a lot of page views I was really pleased. Definitely need to do a few more of these in 2015 as I love posts that make me think outside of the box.

Most Liked on Bloglovin' in 2014
Gooey Nutella Banana Bread (550+ likes - read here) - This was my first venture into recipe/food blog posts so I didn't know what the response would be! But thankfully this was so well received and people even commented to tell me they'd tried it and loved it!
Gooey Chocolate Mug Cake (500+ likes - read here) - After the success of my Nutella Banana Bread I decided to keep with the gooey chocolate treat theme and again this was loved by lots of readers which I'm still so pleased about! This is a recipe that took time to perfect as mug cake recipes can be temperamental but it was definitely worth the effort.
Makeup Books Worth Buying (460+ likes - read here) - This was a post I really enjoyed writing as I love books and I love all things beauty. Also I feel it's an important guide to what to buy as a lot of makeup books are either a bit rubbish or outdated now.
eBay Bargains, Purchased (310+ likes - read here) - Another eBay post and this was showing just a few purchases caused by my ongoing eBay Bargains posts. I feel this was a needed post as I'm constantly enabling people with my eBay Bargains and also truly enable myself, as shown in this post!
Blog Posts I Loved Writing:
First World Beauty Problems (read here) - I love writing quirky little posts like these to break up writing makeup reviews all the time, and it seems like you like them too!
My Nail Polish Wall (read here) - Oh how this is now a bittersweet post as I've now moved house so no longer have my beloved nail polish wall. But at the time after it was all complete I was so excited to share this!
An Honest Post about Anxiety (read here) -This was quite a personal post to write but also an uplifting and positive one as a lot of people were pleased that I'd wrote about it. Maybe my proudest blog post!
Beauty Blogger Stereotypes (read here) - Another quirky little posts that's a bit tongue in cheek. I loved coming up with these stereotypes so much!
Free Printable Weekly Blog Planner (read here) - Last but not least I had to include my free blog planner! This was my first go at something like this and I was so pleased with how it turned out and that it's been beneficial to other bloggers, which was my intended purpose!
Nail Polishes I Loved Swatching:
Deborah Lippmann in Superstar (here) - Who knew a brown glitter could be so pretty?!
Rimmel Space Dust in Aurora (here) - Another glitter but just so so delicate and beautiful looking, like encrusted precious stones on the nails. This reminds me I should wear it more often.
Tanya Burr in Riding Hood (here) - I own a lot of red nail polishes but this was by far my favourite of 2014 due to the rich tone and it's beyond glossy finish.
Top 6 Models Own Nail Polishes (here) - Models Own are some of my favourite nail polishes so I loved putting together my top 6 along with full nail swatches.
Hope you've enjoyed this trip down the last 12 months on Makeup Savvy and have discovered a few posts you may have missed!
Fee xo.