I've said it before and I'll say it again, Tesco Direct is great for beauty bargains! It may not be the easiest site to navigate but there are certainly bargains to be had... also with the 'click & collect' to store option you don't have to pay any extra for delivery!
So this week I thought I'd have a look to see if I could find anything good and low and behold I found quite a few bargains! I couldn't not share these with you are I'm just amazed at the cheap-ness. Ahhhhh I love being savvy?!

L'Oreal Elnett Heat Protect Volume Spray
£1.00 here
A steal I just couldn't ignore! L'Oreal Heat Protect Spray retails for around £7 so this went straight into my online basket to try out... I also love that it's volumising. The packaging also looks a lot more pricey than the meer £1 I got it for.
Natio Lip Colour in Eden
£1.40 here
You can also find shade 'Enjoy' here.
Natio is a brand that always seems to be reduced on Tesco Direct and I'm so pleased about that as it's actually a really nice natural brand. I decided I had to pick up a lipstick to try out due to the amazing price (they normally retail for £8) and I actually really love it! I've only worn it once but the formula is buttery with a slight gloss to it also the shade Eden is a great everyday nude lipstick. I'm now tempted to pick up the other shades available!

Maybelline Baby Lips Fresh Mint
£1.93 here
Peach Kiss and Condition & Care also available here.
I've tried out quite a few of the tinted Maybelline Baby Lips now so I thought as this was reduced I'd try out one without a tint to see how it compares. And I can happily say this offers so much more hydration and nourishment than the tinted ones plus the mint scent is really nice. Really pleased I decided to pick this up!
Maybelline Color Show Nail Polish in Burgundy Kiss
£1.80 here
Eight other shades available here.
Last but not least I couldn't resist picking up a season appropriate nail polish. I love Maybelline's Color Show range for their easy to apply formula that lasts really well so I'm not entirely sure why I only went for a single nail polish - I've now decided I need Green With Envy and Midnight Taupe. As for Burgundy Kiss it's just a perfect shade for autumn/winter nails.
Hope you've enjoyed seeing my super duper bargains from Tesco Direct!
Fee xo.