A Week of Pretty - Into the Blue

Sometimes I just browse the Internet and bookmark pretty images, which is why I thought 'A Week of Pretty' needed to be born. For the days I'm lacking the words and all I do is collect images that make me smile. 

Each week I will post 'A week of pretty' with a different theme and include the links and names of the artist/blogger/photographer so you can find more of their work if you like.

It's simple but I hope you enjoy it. 

1.Bruce Mozert (photo created in 1983 would you believe!) 2.Elena Kalis 3.Zena Hollaway 4.Pool image (here) 5.unknown 6.Zena Hollaway 7.Bruce Mozert 8.Elena Kalis 9.House in Cape Town (here).

Feel free to tell me which you like the best!

Fee x

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