The thing I love most about blogging is the photography side of it, I get to be as creative as I like and that makes me happy. Basically I love a good flat lay.
But I totally get that some of you don't!
Blog photography is literally back breaking work (okay, not literally, but nearly), natural lighting is beyond temperamental and understanding how to get the best out of a camera can be tricky not to mention boring. So that's why I've decided to give you a few free* high quality stock images that you can do as you wish with (for personal use only) - blog posts, cropped for social media... whatever you like! Basically I love giving away free stuff to help fellow bloggers and I realised I haven't created anything since my Free Printable Weekly Blog Planner way over a year ago now!
*If you ever want to repay my kindness and find yourself visiting the U.S feel free to pick me up a zillion Bath & Body Works candles! I joke... but seriously if you want to I won't stop you.
Please Credit!
Of course I'd LOVE if you could credit my blog if you use any of the images, just a tiny 'source – Makeup Savvy' linked to back to my homepage or this post. But if you don't I won't hunt you down, I'm cool like that. Anyway, so here are the 10 styled stock images in 4 swanky themes – Makeup, Lifestyle, Girl Boss and Seasonal (Autumn!). Simply right click over the image and 'Save Image As...'.
You can also find ideas of how to style/use these free lifestyle stock images at the bottom of the post - enjoy!
You can also find ideas of how to style/use these free lifestyle stock images at the bottom of the post - enjoy!
Makeup Stock Images
Lifestyle Stock Images
Girl Boss Stock Images
Seasonal Stock Images
How to get the most use out of these styled stock photos
You could always leave the images plain but below I've given you a few rough ideas on how to could use text with them. Images with a fine white inner boarder always look great and of course modern calligraphy fonts ( do some good free ones!) make any image creative and done. My personal favourite has to be the Autumn stock image with rose gold foil text!

As mentioned feel free to use these how you wish – Blog posts, Instagram, Facebook, cropped as sidebar buttons for your social media platforms etc etc. With a little credit back to myself or if you want a cheeky pin of this post on Pinterest because I'm getting into it – finally!
Really hope you can make use of these styled stock images!
Fee xo.
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